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Next session: 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Saturday 15th July 2023

Last orders: 12:30

Location: Malvern Cube, Albert Road North, Malver, WR14 2YF


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A full repair and sewing team will be on hand to help you, as well as PAT testing and a sharpening service. Our dedicated sharpening service can tackle your blunt kitchen knives, garden tools, and lawnmower blades.

We repair:

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Electrical, electronic and mechanical appliances

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Ceramics and jewellery

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Devices, clocks, and toys

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And much much more!

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Ceramics and jewl

What happens on the day?

When you arrive at the Repair Cafe we’ll register your repair request and assign you to an appropriate repairer who has the right skills to repair your item.

We’ll invite you to wait for your repairer in the cafe where you can enjoy tea, coffee, and homemade cake.



When your repairer is free you’ll be invited to sit with them while the repair takes place, and you can even join in if you’re feeling brave!


Hopefully your item has been repaird and if you want you can offer an voluntary donation to the repair cafe.

Sometimes your possession can’t be repaired and if this is the case we’ll explain why and give you advice on the safest way to dispose of it.


Malvern Hills Repair cafe is run entirely by volunteers. Any donations are used to develop the Repair Café and its capabilities.


We also sell cakes!

Our prices are extremely reasonable and, combined with donations, our café sales help to cover costs such as the purchase of consumables and specialist tools that may be needed.

Frequently asked questions

  • Can I make an apppointment at the Repair Café?
    No. We do not operate an appointment system and it is not possible to pre-book a repairer. Customers are seen on a first-come, first-served basis. However, we have recently introduced a new system which is designed to speed up the registration process and ensure that you are seen by a relevant repairer as soon as possible. This should reduce unnecessary waiting times when we are very busy. Although we normally have 12 repairers available at each session, we are busiest soon after opening so if you can delay your arrival until later in the morning, that will also help. The demand for electrical repairs continues to be high so there is sometimes a queue but we do our best not to keep people waiting for too long. We find that many customers are happy to wait for a while as that gives them the opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and one of our delicious homemade cakes. It's also a chance to sit and chat and make new friends.
  • What happens if my repair isn't finished during the session?
    Some repairs can take much longer or are more complicated than expected. Obviously, our repairers do not want to rush a repair as that can lead to it not being done properly and some items have to be taken apart and then reassembled with care. Sometimes the repairer needs a specialist tool which isn't on hand at the session - but he has it at home. Sometimes he makes his initial assessment of the fault and knows immediately that it is going to be a time-consuming job. In these situations, we are happy for the repairer and the customer to come to a private arrangement, by which we mean that the repairer may offer to complete the repair at home and the customer gives permission for this. However, contact details should be exchanged and clear arrangements made for the customer to collect the repaired item, either from the repairer's home or at the next session. We don't encourage this type of arrangement but accept that it is sometimes the most practical outcome - and often the repairer enjoys this unexpected challenge! It is always advisable that the repairer informs the Repair Cafe organiser of this arrangement so that it can be recorded.
  • Are there any items that cannot be repaired?
    Sometimes, but not often! So long as an item is hand-portable and not in a dangerous condition, our repairers will carry out an examination, give their honest opinion and advice and proceed with a repair if they consider it's appropriate and viable. Here's a list of items that have been brought in to Malvern Hills Repair Cafe: Electronic gadgets - mobile phones, laptops, tablets, flat screen televisions, iPads, motorised golf trolley Garden equipment - lawn mowers, hedge cutters, plastic garden furniture, strimmers, wheelbarrows, garden tools and implements Small household appliances - toasters, kettles, hair dryers, irons, vacuum cleaners, food mixers, CD and DVD players, record players, drills, radios, aerials, liquidisers, carpet cleaners, lamps, coffee grinders, cassette tape players, food name a few! Furniture - tables, chairs, bookcases, dolls houses, shelving units Clocks and jewellery, toys and china, glass and ceramics......this list goes on and each Repair Cafe can bring a new and unusual challenge. Don't forget that we also offer a knife sharpening service which includes garden tools such as secateurs and shears. Our talented and creative sewing team tackle anything from invisible mending to putting back together a much-loved childhood teddybear.
  • Is the repair service always free?
    No charge is made for any advice or repair, but we rely on our customers' generous donations to keep the service free at the point of delivery for everyone. Donations are used to cover costs such as venue hire, refreshment and kitchen supplies, specialist tools and consumables. The only time you will be asked to contribute financially is when a repairer needs to buy a special part to complete your repair.
  • Is it worth coming just for tea and cake?
    Oh yes! Our cakes are amazing - try the lemon drizzle cake and you'll be back for more.
  • What happens if a part is needed to complete my repair?
    After his assessment of the fault, a repairer may confirm that the item is repairable but needs a replacement part, e.g. new brushes for a vacuum cleaner. The repairer will give you clear information on the part required and often he will offer to get it for you as he knows the best, and most reasonably-priced, place to source it. The part may cost only a few pennies or be more expensive but whatever the cost, the repairer should always be reimbursed by the customer.
  • Where can I go if I have an urgent repair and I've missed your session?
    If you have an urgent repair, there are other Repair Cafes in the area that open on different Saturdays in the month. A full list with opening times and contact details can be found on the Visit page. All the Repair Cafes in Worcestershire - and Repair Cafe Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire - offer the same high quality, competent and reliable repair and advice service.
  • How can I become a volunteer at Repair Café Malvern Hills?
    We are always looking for new volunteers, not only as repairers and to join the sewing team but also to help in the kitchen and the cafe, to assist with reception and registration and to act as front-of-house, making new customers feel welcome and explaining the procedures to them. Some customers appreciate extra assistance with carrying their possession from the car or completing the registration form. We can never have too many volunteers as we always need to cover for holidays, sickness and other commitments. Please speak to someone on the reception desk if you're interested in joining the team. Many of our volunteers were originally customers and decided they would like to become involved. You will be asked to complete a brief application form with your personal details and an emergency contact form. All information you provide is regarded as strictly confidential. Your name will be added to our mailing list and each month you will be given the opportunity to confirm whether you're available to help or not. At your first session you will be invited to work alongside one of our regular volunteers who will show you the ropes and make you feel at home.
  • Can I leave an item for repair and collect it later?
    This is not encouraged. In the first instance, the customer needs to be present in order to describe the item's perceived fault or problem to the repairer who will then examine it and make his own assessment. The possible reasons for the fault will be explained and each step of the repair clarified as the repair is undertaken. This is done to help the customer pick up some new practical knowledge and skills. Sometimes, the customer will be invited, and even needed, to assist with the repair.

Do you want to volunteer?

Can you spare us three hours a month? We're always on the look out for volunteers to help up run a smooth repair cafe.

Find out more

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